Senator Martins, County Executive Mangano, & Legislator Walker Sponsor Free Kidpix Photo ID Program in Hicksville
Jack M. Martins
April 28, 2014

Senator Jack Martins (R-7th Senate District), Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, and Legislator Rose Walker recently sponsored a free KidPix photo ID program in Hicksville.
Families who participated in the program received a free, wallet sized kidpix card with their child’s name, physical description, contact information, fingerprint, and photograph. In the event that a child goes missing, parents can give the KidPix card to law enforcement as a helpful tool to help return the child home more quickly.
Senator Martins (left) and Legislator Walker (second right) are pictured with some of the families who received free child ID cards through the Kidpix program they sponsored with County Executive Mangano.