Senator Martins & Mayor Schwartzberg Announce Dot Studying Safety Improvements on Northern Boulevard in Roslyn Estates
Jack M. Martins
August 7, 2014
Senator Jack M. Martins (R-Mineola) and Village of Roslyn Estates Mayor Jeffrey B. Schwartzberg announced that the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) is studying safety improvements along Northern Boulevard in Roslyn Estates.
In response to a request made by Senator Martins and Mayor Schwartzberg, the DOT is examining the installation of a left turn lane and left turn signal on westbound Northern Boulevard at The Locusts. Senator Martins and Mayor Schwartzberg made the request to improve safety for residents entering the Village through The Locusts. The DOT will make its determination after an extensive investigation which includes reviewing accident reports and conducting field surveys.
“The DOT reviewing improvements at this location is a positive step towards ensuring residents’ safety. I am pleased to work with Mayor Schwartzberg to help improve safety in the Village and hope that DOT will move quickly from evaluation to implementation,” said Senator Martins.
"I was pleased to learn that the NYSDOT is acting upon our request to evaluate the traffic patterns at this intersection, in an effort to determine the feasibility and appropriateness of installing a left turn signal into to our village. As this area has been a concern of mine for some time, and safety is certainly of paramount importance, I believe this is a valuable study intended to improve safety conditions for our residents, and others, who wish to enter our Village from Northern Boulevard. For those traveling westbound on Northern Blvd, making a left hand turn onto The Locusts can be quite a challenge. I am fully supportive of anything that can be done to improve safety conditions there," said Mayor Schwartzberg.