Senator Martins Statement on Moody’s Upgrading New York’s Credit Rating
“Moody’s Investors Service raising New York State’s credit rating to its highest level in the last 50 years shows that we are continuing to head in the right direction.
Over the last four years, we have passed four on-time, fiscally responsible budgets, cut taxes for residents and businesses, controlled state spending, and made smart investments to grow our economy and create jobs. All of this was done working in a bipartisan manner without raising taxes or fees. The results are undeniable progress which has moved our state forward.
Moody’s recognition of that progress is another positive step which shows that by working together and focusing on the right priorities, we can accomplish great things and deliver real results for our communities.”
Senator Jack M. Martins (R-Mineola), is Chairman of the Senate’s Commerce, Economic Development, & Small Business Committee.