Senator Martins Warns Residents About New Tax Scams

Jack M. Martins

November 17, 2014

     Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) is warning consumers about a new scam in which thieves steal from people by tricking them into paying fraudulent tax debts. 

     According to the New York State Attorney General’s Office, scammers have been calling residents, claiming they owe back taxes and promising to settle the alleged debt for a portion of the owed amount. These scammers are also reportedly using high-pressure tactics to intimidate victims into paying.

     Residents should remember the following tips from the Attorney General's Office to avoid falling victim to this scam:

     • The IRS and legitimate government agencies never demand payment by phone;

     • If you owe money, you will receive a legitimate notice in writing that identifies the agency and the reason you owe money;

     • Do not give out personal information, including your Social Security number or bank account information, to telephone callers;

     • Legitimate government organizations will never threaten arrest or deportation for failure to pay a debt.

     Residents who receive one of these calls can report it to the Attorney General's Office by calling 1-800-771-7755.