Senator Martins & Westbury Community Celebrate 90th Anniversary of Robert Bacon Children’s Library

Jack M. Martins

June 26, 2014

     Senator Jack M. Martins (R-Mineola) recently joined with the Westbury community to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Robert Bacon Children’s Library. 

     The library, which first opened its doors on June 24, 1924, was a gift to the Westbury community by the Bacon family in memory of Colonel Robert Bacon, the Secretary of State and Ambassador to France under President Theodore Roosevelt. In 1965, the Library was incorporated as part of the Westbury Library.

     Senator Martins presented the Library with a copy of a legislative resolution he sponsored, which was passed by the New York State Senate, honoring the milestone. With passage of the legislative resolution, the Library’s 90 year history of service to the Westbury community will forever be part of the New York State Senate’s official record.

     Senator Martins (third right) is pictured at the 90th anniversary celebration with (l-r), Westbury Library Board President Cosmas Bonaparte, Jr., Library Board Trustee Eric Dobrin, Library Director Cathleen Merenda, Library Board Trustee Judy Gerard, Westbury Mayor Peter Cavallaro, and Library Board Trustee Kenneth Little.