Statement On Remington Arms - UPDATED

James L. Seward

February 17, 2014

ONEONTA, 02/17/14 – State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I-Oneonta) today commented on  Remington Arms expansion announcement:

“The most important part of this announcement is that Ilion will remain the home to over 1,300 Remington Arm's employees.  The underlying story though is the reasons why the company is expanding in Alabama and not here at home.  Clearly, the SAFE-Act played a role, hindering efforts to bring this expansion to New York.  I opposed the onerous and reactionary measure when it was rushed into law, and feared it would lead to job loss in the Mohawk Valley.  Now, just over a year later, we are no safer, a portion of the law has been found unconstitutional, other portions cannot be enforced, and Remington is expanding – out of state.  I have long worked to support Remington and the skilled workers that punch the clock in Ilion and will redouble my efforts moving forward, other New York elected leaders need to do the same.” 

