Senator DeFrancisco Warns Constituents of Radical Legislation That Would Give Illegals the Right to Vote and Hold Office

John A. DeFrancisco

September 22, 2014

Chairman of the New York State Senate Finance Committee John A. DeFrancisco today (9/22/14) warned constituents of proposed legislation, sponsored by New York City Democrat Gustavo Rivera, that would give illegal immigrants the right to vote and hold office in New York State. The bill is likely to become law, if New York City democrats were to win control of the State Senate in November. 

The bill would also make hundreds of thousands of individuals illegally living in New York state eligible for taxpayer-funded welfare benefits, which could drive up property and state taxes. In addition, it would allow illegal immigrants to serve on juries and hold professional licenses.

A copy of this bill can be found by clicking on the link below. 

"This legislation is a clear illustration of the difference between Republicans and Democrats in the State Senate,” said Senator DeFrancisco.  “Senate Republicans are standing on the side of hardworking New Yorkers, while Senate Democrats are proposing to hand illegal immigrants the right to vote, hold office and receive benefits. We simply must elect a majority of Republicans in November to block this and other radical legislation.”