Deerpark to Receive $50,000 Grant for Expansion of Town Hall for Emergency Services

John J. Bonacic

October 23, 2014

Monies to go towards the planning and construction of 

additional space to house police and emergency management at Town Hall

Senator John Bonacic (R/C/I – Mt. Hope) announces that the Town of Deerpark has been awarded $50,000 in funding from the State & Municipal Facilities Capital Program.

The funding will go towards the continued planning of additional space to the existing Town Hall to house the police and emergency management headquarters.  Some monies would also go towards the redevelopment of Town Hall space.     

“A previous grant assisted in the planning and early design of the space,” said Town Supervisor Karl Brabenec, “However, these additional monies would allow the Town to do the project to the full extent required for a modern police facility, adding 1,000 square feet onto the project.   Thank you, Senator Bonacic, for taking care of Deerpark, just as you’ve always done in the past.”  

“The safety of our residents is number one, “said Senator Bonacic, “I’m pleased to be able to help Deerpark’s police department and emergency management have the space they need to do their jobs.” 
