Senator Bonacic Announces 2014 New York State Summer Reading Program

John J. Bonacic

May 28, 2014

Senator Bonacic announces that the New York State Senate is partnering with the New York State Library and the 1,100 libraries and neighborhood branches to get more children reading this summer.  The Senate’s 2014 Summer Reading Program in conjunction with the New York State Library is offering students and families a variety of entertaining ways to encourage reading.  

Summer Reading at New York Libraries


“Children who participate in summer reading programs avoid learning losses during summer and return to school in the fall ready to learn*,” says Senator Bonacic, “and these summer reading programs offer fun age-appropriate books and activities to make it enjoyable for grade school children.”

Participants can register at, or at their local library.  Program participants will be able to keep either a handwritten or online journal of their reading record, and at the conclusion of the program, children will receive formal recognition for their reading achievement. Though the program features material geared to kindergarten through 8th grade, all ages are invited; last year more than 1.76 million children and teens statewide participated in the 2013 summer reading program.

To find your local library and obtain activities, games, links and more information on keeping children reading all summer, visit

“I hope that all children will be reading for fun during the summer of 2014,” says Senator Bonacic. ###