Town of Minisink to Receive $50,000 Grant for Municipal Projects

John J. Bonacic

October 21, 2014

Monies to go towards removing aged oil tank and construction an addition to the Town Highway's storage shed

Senator John Bonacic (R/I/C – Mt. Hope) announces that the Town of Minisink has been awarded $50,000 in funding from the State & Municipal Facilities Capital Program.

The funding will go towards two projects at the Town’s Westtown facility.  The first is to remove a buried oil tank and existing electrical lines, and conduct appropriate soil tests.  The second is to erect an extension onto the Town Highway storage shed to create needed space for the safe storage of highway and park equipment.

“These two projects have been put off due to budgetary constraints,” said Town Supervisor Ralph Ford.  “Thank you to Senator Bonacic for allowing us to properly make these two improvements so that we can properly maintain Town equipment.”

“Sometimes Town budgets don’t always allow for every municipal need,” said Senator

Bonacic.  “I’m pleased to be able to provide this grant to take care of two important Town projects.”

