Senator Serrano Applauds Governor Cuomo's Decision to Ban Hydrofracking in New York State

José M. Serrano

December 16, 2014

(Albany, NY)- Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo banned Hydraulic Fracturing (hydrofracking or fracking) throughout New York State. This major announcement comes after the Department of Health, citing numerous studies on the negative consequences of hydrofracking, presented their recommendation to ban the practice in New York State. Hydrofracking is the dangerous process of extracting gas from the earth that has been linked to contaminated groundwater, air pollution, illnesses, and death among wildlife.

"As one of the most vocal opponents of hydrofracking, I have long believed that there would be no safe or environmentally sustainable way to allow the dangerous practice of hydrofracking to happen in New York State. Scientific data continues to show an alarming trend toward negative health consequences and environmental damage in states that allow hydrofracking. New York State is home to some of our county's greatest natural wonders - from our amazing state park system, our beaches and streams, and to our nationally recognized great-tasting tap water. Thanks to the Governor, New York's greatest treasures are no longer at risk. I sincerely thank our Governor Andrew Cuomo for his leadership and thoughtful diligence on this matter, as well as the Commissioners and staff at the New York State Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Conservation for their research and advocacy. I would also like to thank environmental advocates across the state for their continued opposition to this hazardous practice," said Senator Serrano.  

Senator Serrano has worked alongside with many of his colleagues in opposing hydrofracking in New York. The Senator is a staunch advocate for environmental concerns and is ranked as one of the most environmentally friendly members of the New York Senate by the EPL/Environmental Advocates of New York. 

