Statement from New York State Senator Kathleen A. Marchione on EPA’s decision to allow treated toxins into the Valatie Kill:
Kathleen A. Marchione
January 24, 2014
For Immediate Release: January 24, 2014
Contact: Josh Fitzpatrick, (518) 455-2381, fitzpatr@nysenate.gov
Cell: (518) 542-2413, joshuakevfitz@yahoo.com
Follow Senator Marchione on Twitter: @Kathymarchione, find Senator Marchione on Facebook
Statement from New York State Senator Kathleen A. Marchione
(R,C-Halfmoon) on EPA’s decision to allow treated toxins into the Valatie Kill:
“It is unacceptable and deeply disappointing that the EPA is allowing suspect discharge into the Valatie Kill despite continued strong objections by myself and others. Based on some reports, it appears that the EPA did not alert local officials about the discharge, which is highly disturbing. It is puzzling that the EPA has little issue closely regulating family farming but is seemingly indifferent to water containing suspect contaminants being discharged into the Valatie Kill. I stand with local communities and leaders in again expressing my opposition to the EPA's decision. The agency needs understand the real concerns local residents have regarding this issue and reverse course.”