Statement from NYS Senator Kathy Marchione: Build a statewide culture of trust, respect and appreciation for our courageous men and women of law enforcement

Kathleen A. Marchione

December 22, 2014

                                 Statement from NYS Senator Kathy Marchione (R,C,I-Halfmoon):

"New York State is heartbroken and outraged over the murder of two of New York's finest, NYPD Officers Ramos and Liu. Our thoughts, prayers and condolences are with the Ramos and Liu families. The courageous police who protect and serve have one of the toughest, most dangerous jobs imaginable. All New Yorkers must stand united behind law enforcement and reject a politics that perpetually suspects the police. We also must be united in denouncing discredited demagogues who seek to inflame passions and deepen divisions. Our police don't need second guessing, body cameras and special prosecutors. They do need our strong moral support, tough laws that punish criminals and the resources to do their important jobs. Most important, we need to continue building a statewide culture of trust, respect and appreciation for the courageous men and women of law enforcement."
