Senator Golden Votes for Legislation to Expand Counseling Services to Victims of Sex Offenses and Child Pornography

Martin J. Golden

April 29, 2014

Albany – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) joined his colleagues in the New York State Senate to approve legislation S.5502B, sponsored by Senator Andrew Lanza (R-Staten Island), that would expand health care and wellness education to victims of sex offenses and child pornography.


“The scourge of abuse and sex offenses leaves devastation and destruction in their wake, and the victims of these crimes are often left with severe emotional and psychological damage. Today, I rightly joined with my colleagues so to better help and assist these victims. As we work as a State to ensure that we properly punish the criminals, we also must help those in need to the best of our ability,” said Senator Golden.


This bill would allow the Department of Health to promote the availability of individual, family, and group counseling programs, education programs and advocacy services provided at no cost for victims of sexual offenses and child pornography promotion or possession.


The bill has been sent to the Assembly.