Statement by State Senator Martin J. Golden on the Dream Act

Martin J. Golden

March 18, 2014

Brooklyn, NY – Following the Senate Vote on the Dream Act, which failed to pass today, State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) issued the following statement:


“We have extremely limited resources as a state, and we need to focus our tax dollars to increase funding in TAP for children of American citizens as well as reinstate Graduate TAP, which was discontinued a few years ago. Using our limited resources to give tax dollars to illegal immigrants a college education is not, in my opinion, a sound use of resources. Immigration is a Federal Issue, and even if we were to pass the Dream Act, these students would still not be able to work legally in the United States, giving them a state funded and subsidized education with nowhere to use it.”


“Until the Federal Government decides to take action to deal with the ongoing issue of immigration, I see no justification to dole out our state’s tax dollars with the end result being a college educated student who still cannot work legally in the United States.”