City Speed Limit Legislation Gains Momentum After Families, Advocates and City Officials Unite

Martin Malavé Dilan

May 15, 2014

Senator Dilan has amended his initial proposal to allow the City of New York to establish speed limits as low as 20 mph, after the families of those lost to reckless driving, advocates and city officials agreed to stand behind a 25 mph proposal. A resolution in the City Council sponsored by Council Member David Greenfield, affirming city-wide support of the agreed upon 25 mph legislation and urging the State Legislature to act on the measure, was approved overwhelmingly.

The amended bill (S. 6496-B) authorizes New York City to establish city-wide speed limits at not less than 25 mph. However, the proposal also gives city transportation officials the ability to assign 20 MPH limits on certain designated highways warranting the lower limit.

Senator Dilan and colleagues, city officials, families and advocates have maintained their support of 20 mph limits in New York City, citing the inherent reduction in the number of severe injuries and deaths in accidents at lesser speeds.

"The amendments to the city speed limit legislation reflect an understanding among city officials, families and advocates. In the best interest of moving forward and addressing the increased incidents of traffic related injuries and deaths in New York City, I stand behind establishing a city-wide 25 mph limit. This proposal has always been about saving lives and if it gets us closer to Mayor de Blasio's goal of zero losses, it's the right course of action," said Senator Martin Malavé Dilan, co-sponsor of 25mph legislation.

The amended legislation will bolster Mayor de Blasio’s “Vision Zero” initiative. Well underway, four Arterial Slow Zones, three of which are in Senator Dilan’s North Brooklyn district, have been announced as part of the city-wide campaign. In addition to a posted speed limit of 25 mph, the slow zones will also receive traffic calming measures and greater enforcement.

Currently, Sens. Dilan and Hoylman carry the amended legislation in the Senate; Member of Assembly Daniel O'Donnell carries the legislation in the Assembly. In both houses the bill has multiple co-sponsors.