Senator Nozzolio Statement on Nyc Shootings

Michael F. Nozzolio

December 22, 2014

In the wake of the unconscionable murders of New York City police officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos this past weekend, my thoughts and prayers continue to be with their families, friends and fellow officers as they try to deal with this tragic and senseless loss.

This profoundly violent act of cowardice goes against everything we as New Yorkers stand for and it must not be forgotten or tolerated. Much like the senseless murders of Webster Police Lieutenant Michael “Chip” Chiapperini and West Webster volunteer firefighter Tomasz Kaczowka two years ago on December 24, 2012, this heinous act comes at what should be a joyous time for families across our State. Instead, the families and friends of  New York's heroic first responders are experiencing great loss during the holidays. As we look back on the Webster tragedy and the events of this past weekend, it should cause us to reflect on the sacrifice, dedication and commitment of those individuals who risk their lives every day to protect us. 

Ensuring the safety of our first responders has never been more important. These brave officers, along with the tens of thousands of other first responders across our state, put their lives on the line every day to keep our communities safe. While our instincts would tell us to run away, our first responders run toward danger in order to ensure our safety. They are the ones we call for help—and right now they need our support more than ever.

As Chairman of the New York State Senate Codes Committee and former Chairman of the Crime Victims, Crime and Corrections Committee, I believe we need to strengthen New York’s criminal justice laws and put more focus onto the needs of the mentally ill in our state. Additionally, I remain committed to doing all possible to protect the public from violent felons who show no remorse for their crimes and who have exhibited a propensity for violence. The continued release of these dangerous and violent felons into our communities puts every single New Yorker at risk and is simply unacceptable.

We must not continue allowing history to repeat itself at the expense of innocent lives and immediate decisive action is needed to prevent tragedies like we saw in the Town of Webster and New York City.
