Michael F. Nozzolio

September 10, 2014

Thirteen years ago on September 11th, 2001, we witnessed one of the darkest days in our State and Nation’s history. It was a day that forever changed the way we look at the world.

On the thirteenth anniversary of September 11th, we pause to reflect on how our world was fundamentally altered by that tragedy and its enduring impact over the last decade. As we solemnly honor the memory of those who lost their lives that day, we can also look back with pride on the sacrifices,commitment and dedication of the thousands of Americans who answered the call to duty in the wake of such an enormous tragedy.

Our Nation was tested that day, by a foreign enemy, who sought to show the world that America was weak. Yet by the end of that day, America had already shown that our resolve had not been weakened, our freedom had not diminished, and our strength as a Nation had not faltered, but had only grown stronger.

America’s strength was shown in the heroic actions of the firefighters, police officers, emergency medical personnel and rescue workers who risked their lives to help the victims in this tragedy.

America’s strength was shown in the compassion of the thousands of people who answered the call for volunteers, for blood donations and for the financial support needed to help their fellow Americans to recover.

America’s strength was shown in the pride of hundreds of volunteers from our region who traveled to New York City to assist in the relief efforts.

America’s strength was shown in the bravery of the men and women of the military, who continue to sacrifice so much every day to defend our freedom and our Nation.

The challenges we face as Americans have always been great and our response always greater.

As we pause to remember and honor those we lost that day and in the ensuing conflicts that followed 9/11, let us also acknowledge those individuals in the Armed Forces who continue to serve our Nation at home and around the world. The hundreds of millions of Americans who sleep safely at night have these individuals to thank for defending our liberty and freedom.

Yet while we remember our past, we must also be focused on our present and future. Our Nation is still on alert. As evidenced by the recent terror threats coming from ISIS and other terror groups in the Middle East and around the world, the threat of terrorism in our Country still exists. We must continue to be vigilant in protecting our homeland and protecting our citizens.

Our world changed on September 11, 2001, but New Yorkers and Americans have shown that our resolve will never be compromised. Those acts of terrorism remind us that we live in the greatest Nation in the world – the land of the free and the home of the brave. We must never forget how blessed and fortunate we are to be Americans.

God bless New York State and God bless the United States of America.