Senator Gianaris Statement on Governor Cuomo Signing Queens Library Reform Into Law

Michael Gianaris

June 26, 2014

Senator Michael Gianaris released the following statement in light of Governor Cuomo signing the Gianaris/Aubry Queens Library Reform Bill (S.6893-B) into law.

“I am thrilled the Governor signed this bill into law and helped end the abuses that have plagued our library system,” said Senator Gianaris. “Effective immediately, my bill will rein in the excesses revealed in recent reports and provide a long-term blueprint for an efficient, transparent and accountable library system of which every Queens resident can be proud. I am thankful for the way just about everyone in Queens came together to fight for these much-needed reforms, and I look forward to the day when taxpayers in Queens can be confident their dollars support a library system built to enrich our understanding of the world and not to enrich a select few at the expense of many.”

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