Senator Gianaris Welcomes Citibike to Western Queens

Michael Gianaris

December 17, 2014

At a press conference with Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg, Alta Bike Share officials, and local leaders, Senator Michael Gianaris welcomed the city’s bike sharing program to western Queens. Senator Gianaris is especially proud that in addition to the blue bikes coming soon to Long Island City, Astoria and Sunnyside are included in future plans for expansion. Senator Gianaris has worked for years to bring Citibike to all of western Queens, and Astoria and Sunnyside in particular.

"Today brings welcome news for all of us who have fought so hard for years to bring bike share to western Queens. Areas like Long Island City, Astoria, Sunnyside and many more throughout the city are crying out for this program and I am thrilled that after so much uncertainty, we can declare that bikes will be here soon. I commend the DOT and Bikeshare Holdings for moving bike share forward and making it easier to get around our city in a fun and healthy way," said Senator Gianaris.

When Citibike debuted in Brooklyn and Manhattan but was nowhere to be found in Queens, Senator Gianaris demanded the DOT complete plans for bike share in LIC and include Astoria and Sunnyside in future plans for the program. He wrote letters to the Mayor and DOT Commissioner declaring western Queens the perfect place for Citibike and held meetings with DOT officials that resulted in Astoria and Sunnyside being included in future expansion plans.

Senator Gianaris is pleased that as a result of this work, Long Island City will benefit from bike share very soon, and Astoria and Sunnyside will not have to wait long after.

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