Sanctions Being Tightened for Animal Cruelty

Phil Boyle

January 23, 2014

Senator Phil Boyle sponsors bill to protect animals state-wide

 January 14, 2014 - Bay Shore, NY: Senator Phil Boyle has joined with Senator Doug Valesky (D-Oneida)  as the new sponsor on State Senate Bill S.6261, the Consolidated Animal Cruelty Bill. This legislation would promote sound enforcement and consistent interpretation of animal crimes by members of law enforcement and the court system.

Currently, most animal cruelty statutes are found in the New York State Agricultural and Markets law. The Consolidated Animal Crimes Bill (S.6261) will improve enforcement by placing animal abuse under the criminal law, which is much more familiar to law enforcement officials. Placing New York’s anticruelty statues under the Penal Law will increase the seriousness of animal abuse offenses and empower our police and court systems by giving the tools needed to thoroughly enforce and prevent serious crimes. 

Animal cruelty is a significant problem for New Yorkers; evidence of this ongoing crisis has been depicted across the board on media outlets over the past few months. Senator Boyle has been working tirelessly to combat animal abuse, and tighten up the sanctions for committing crimes against animals.

“It is time we take a stand for the innocent victims of abuse who are suffering day in and day out,” said Senator Phil Boyle. “We need to be the voice for the victims who do not have one. Animal cruelty will not be tolerated, and the penalty for animal abuse crimes will be increased.”

Currently, serious animals crimes are often not pursued and instead handed down to investigators at local SPCA’s because police organizations are unfamiliar with the Agriculture and Markets Law, where these statutes are currently placed. 

In recent studies by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the American Humane Association, there is a link between violent crime and animal abuse.  Studies show that violent offenders frequently have childhood and adolescent histories of serious and repeated animal cruelty. 

Those studies also show a strong connection between animal abuse and domestic violence.  Placing New York’s anticruelty statutes under the Penal Law will legitimize the seriousness of animal abuse offences and empower our police and court systems by giving them the tools needed to thoroughly enforce and prevent serious crime.

“A better understanding of animal crimes by judges, prosecutors and police officers will create safer communities and protective measures for animals,” Senator Boyle added.  “We need to be diligent in putting laws in place that meet this end.”