The Clash of the Democratic Titans and Its Collateral Damage
Ruben Diaz
January 7, 2014
What You Should Know
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
District 32, Bronx County, New York
The Clash of the Democratic Titans and Its Collateral Damage
You should know that all the newspapers, all the reporters, all the political blogs and political pundits are talking about the inevitable Clash of the Titans.
You should also know that this week the 2014 Legislative Session will be starting and it starts with our beloved New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo addressing the Legislature and invited guests to hear his proposed plan for 2014 in what is called the State of the State Address.
You should also know that our Democratic Governor will be announcing a $2 billion cut in taxes, including a cut in property taxes. My real concern is if Governor Cuomo is cutting $2 billion in taxes, who will get hurt? I assure you that services for the poor and needy will be sacrificed in order for the Governor to achieve his goal.
On the other hand, you should also know that the new New York City Mayor, the Honorable Bill de Blasio, is proposing an increase in taxes on the rich or on those making more than $500,000 a year.
According to Mr. de Blasio, this money will be used to improve education, especially to implement Universal Pre-K, but the only way that this can be done, will be, according to Mr. de Blasio, is by increasing taxes on the rich and famous.
So as you can see, my dear reader, New York State is gearing up for a clash, a war, a confrontation, a showdown, of who represents the rich and who represents the poor. The real pain and sorrow of all of this, is that this clash of the titans will be between the two Democratic giants of the State of New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
You should know that when the giants clash, there always will be collateral damage, casualties of war. I am afraid that on this occasion, one more time, the poor, the needy, the senior citizens of New York State will be the victims of this clash of the titans.
It is important to say that one way or another, the New York State Legislature (Senators and Assembly Members) will be asked to decide which titan they will side with. I can assure you that no matter which side you choose, one of the titans will get hurt, will get beat up, will get angry with legislators. The twisting of arms, the offering and the threats will be immense.
It is almost known to everyone that among the three leaders of the Senate, the position of Senator Dean Skelos, who is the leader of the Senate Republican Conference, is clear. What is not clear, is the position that Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, President of the Senate Democratic Conference, and Senator Jeffrey Klein, President of the Senate Independent Conference, will ask their members to take.
I promise that when the time comes to vote on the budget and who will get hurt, I will keep you informed of which titan our great Democratic Senators will choose.
I am State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.
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