What Ever Happened to the War On Women?
Ruben Diaz
May 15, 2014
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York
Tel. 718-991-3161
What Ever Happened to the War On Women?
You should know that there are some groups of people who go around claiming that there is a war on women, wasting no opportunity to accuse certain people and organizations of being participants in this so-called war on women. Those groups are always demonstrating, picketing, holding press conferences, and doing all kinds of things to call media attention to promote their claim that there is a war on women - and that they are organized to protect and defend women at all cost.
You should know that according to news reports, on Tuesday morning, the privileged actor and liberal New Yorker Alec Baldwin was issued a summons by two female NYPD police officers for riding his bicycle the wrong way on a Manhattan street. It is standard police procedure that anyone who is issued a summons in New York City must provide identification. If he or she is unable to do so, he or she is taken into police custody. Those are the rules.
You should know that according to news reports, when Mr. Baldwin was asked to identify himself and he did not have any identification on him, it was the duty of the police officers to take him into custody. While doing so, the actor reportedly - according to witnesses - became "belligerent" and was issued a second summons for disorderly conduct before being taken to New York's 13th Precinct stationhouse.
The Daily News reported that Mr. Baldwin delivered a "Crazy F-Bomb Rant" at the two female police officers. The New York Post wrote: “At one point, the cops thought he would hit them,” another source said."
As soon as Mr. Baldwin got home and had access to the internet, he tweeted: "Officer Moreno, badge number 23388, arrested me and handcuffed me for going the wrong way on Fifth Ave".
I have to stop and ask myself: When are the women's rights organizations that dedicate themselves to opposing to the so-called "War On Women" going to step up and defend these female police officers?
When will there be any press conference by women's rights groups that take a stand and say: "We respect the uniformed women of the NYPD who put their lives on the line every day, and we are outraged by the vulgarity expressed by Mr. Alec Baldwin toward two of New York's Finest who acted appropriately on Tuesday morning. We are aggrieved by any man who thinks he can intimidate any women in the work force, and we expect a full apology by Mr. Baldwin to our two police officers."
My dear reader, since this has not happened and since double standards continue to flourish, we can see that real issues about respect for women in our society don't really matter when the offender is a privileged liberal.
Not even New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio held his dear friend, Mr. Baldwin to task. Mayor de Blasio brushed off the incident stating: “It's self-evident what happened and now we move on.”
I must applaud NYPD Detective Dennis Gonzalez, head of the NYPD Hispanic Society, who according to the Daily News "berated the actor for his boorish behavior toward two female cops who nabbed him riding a bike the wrong way down a Manhattan Street." Detective Gonzalez defended Officer Rosario Montero by stating: “Officer Rosario Montero conducted herself in a professional manner. She should not have to tolerate verbal abuse from Mr. Baldwin."
No she shouldn't. No woman at work or at home should have to tolerate abuse from any man, no matter how privileged he is and no matter who he thinks he is.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have to ask myself: What ever happened to those people who claim there is a war on women? If there ever has been a war on women, it is what Alec Baldwin did this week, but I don't see any one of those war on women promoters defending these two police female police officers.
This is New York State Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.
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