Senator Terry Gipson Issues Comment to Psc on Proposed Transmission Line Projects
Terry Gipson
August 27, 2014

For Immediate Release: August 27, 2014
Media Contact: Jonathan Heppner | 845.463.0840 | heppner@nysenate.gov
POUGHKEEPSIE, NY – New York State Senator Terry Gipson (D-Dutchess, Putnam) issued an official comment to the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) in response to their Advisory Staff’s recent recommendations for the PSC to consider in making a final decision on the proposed transmission line projects (case # 12-T-0502 et al). The projects would potentially impact the towns of Clinton, Hyde Park, Milan and Pleasant Valley. Senator Gipson strongly urged that any proposals approved by the PSC be “no higher, no wider” than the existing infrastructure in order to protect people’s homes, agriculture lands and property values.
“Since this serious issue came to light, my top priority has been ensuring that residents’ and local communities’ voices are being heard and their questions answered by the PSC so that all possible options are explored,” said Senator Gipson. “I understand the importance of improving our state’s energy infrastructure, however the impact on local taxpayers and property owners must be seriously and cautiously considered. The PSC must be aware of the full range of consequences that its actions may have on people’s everyday lives and the future of our communities.”
In his letter, Senator Gipson highlighted his disagreement with the order of importance and the depth of examination required in regards to what issue areas the Advisory Staff recommended that the PSC consider. He insisted that the physical footprint of the project and the environmental compatibility, including the visual impact of the proposed projects, should be a top issue for the PSC. Further, Senator Gipson insisted that when considering the cost to ratepayers, the PSC must include the current and potential impact on property values of this proposed project. Senator Gipson pointed to the cost already being incurred by landowners who are now unable to get fair market value for their home as a result of this ongoing process.
Senator Gipson also discussed the importance of the PSC taking a “no higher, no wider” approach. He commended the Advisory Staff’s recommendation that the PSC include minimizing additional rights of way in its deliberations, pointing to the region's long history of previous right-of-way expansions for various utility projects. Senator Gipson asked the PSC to consider the history of past projects while clearly and fairly defining upstate versus downstate when allocating the costs of any project to consumers.
Senator Gipson concluded, “Whether it is farm land that is the lifeblood of our local agriculture industry, or a hard working family’s home, we must ensure that the PSC knows the history and the issues at hand. I’m committed to advocating for those who may be impacted and for the future of our community."
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