State Senator Gipson Urges Action on Lyme in Final Week of Session
Terry Gipson
June 16, 2014

For Immediate Release: June 16, 2014
Media Contact: Jonathan Heppner | 845.463.0840 | heppner@nysenate.gov
ALBANY, NY – New York State Senator Terry Gipson (D-Dutchess, Putnam) today issued the following statement continuing to urge his colleagues in the State Senate to take action during the final week of legislative session to help those suffering from the growing Lyme disease and tick-borne illness crisis facing New York State communities.
“Those suffering from Lyme and tick-borne illness have been making their voices heard, there has been legislation introduced and task forces formed – it’s time to come together and finally take action to help New Yorkers.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now stated that ten times the amount of people than previously reported are actually diagnosed with Lyme disease each year. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, California and Vermont have taken swift action to protect doctors and ensure people with Lyme and tick-borne illness receive the care that they need.
“I have met with those suffering, their families and doctors, and it would be a great wrong for this legislative body to conclude another session without addressing this serious epidemic. I ask the people of New York to please continue to contact your state legislators to insist that we can’t wait and that they take action and enact appropriate legislation during this final week.”

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