Avella Applauds Governor Cuomo for Directing Port Authority to Conduct Noise Studies and Establish Community Roundtable to Address Increase in Airplane Noise Over Queens

Tony Avella

March 24, 2014

(BAYSIDE, Queens) Senator Tony Avella applauded Governor Cuomo’s decision today to once again direct the Port Authority to  double the number of noise monitors, establish aviation community roundtables and conduct extensive studies of noise issues for residents of Queens, the Bronx and Nassau. Although Governor Cuomo vetoed the legislation in November that would have required the Port Authority to conduct a noise and land use compatibility survey, he recognized the need to address the increase in aircraft noise as soon as possible and did not want to wait for New Jersey to pass similar legislation in order to get the study and community roundtable going. 

Senator Avella has been critical of the FAA’s intention to move forward with the permanent implementation of changes in departure procedures at LaGuardia Airport, in conjunction with specific runway configurations at John F. Kennedy Airport, that have resulted in an excessive increase in noise and air pollution throughout Queens.  He, along with elected officials and community leaders throughout Queens, Bronx and Nassau have been leading the fight to have the FAA amend the new flight pattern and revert back to the old schedule.  

Today Governor Cuomo stated, “Airport noise is rightly an important concerns for residents of Queens, the Bronx and Nassau County and that is why I am directing the Port Authority to open a full and thorough dialogue with the impacted communities while also pursuing a noise study to better address the issue.” 

Avella stated, “I am extremely pleased that Governor Cuomo continues to recognize the profound impact that the increase in airplane noise is having on the quality of life for Queens residents.  By directing the Port Authority to conduct noise studies and create a community roundtable, two things that we have been fighting for, the Governor has demonstrated the leadership needed to finally begin addressing this important issue.  I also applaud the Port Authority for the action they are taking by creating the new Aviation Noise Office and the Port Authority’s website flight tracking system.  These beginning steps are beneficial to helping understand the noise that is disturbing the quality of life for residents around LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy Airport and I look forward to continue working with the Governor and Port Authority regarding these important issues.” 

To visit the new Port Authority WebTrak Flight Tracking and Noise System website, go here.