Fyi: Senator Avella Shares Two Op-Ed Articles Defending the Independent Democratic Conference
Tony Avella
March 11, 2014
The Democrats in the Senate minority are no truer Democrats than those in the IDC. Just because the members of the IDC have determined that it is in the best interest of their constituents (and themselves) to share power with the Republicans, does not make them any less principled or worthy of carrying their party’s standard.
read more: http://media.cityandstateny.com/2/75/new-york-state-senate/party-poopers.html#.Ux8iJYnD_cu
Watch out if you try to be bipartisan in Albany. You’re hands-across-the-aisle approach to lawmaking is not welcome there, particularly in the Capitol.
read more: http://www.silive.com/opinion/editorials/index.ssf/2014/03/bucking_the_tide_in_albany_bre.html