Senate One-House Budget Bill Passes with a Number of Avella Priorities Included
March 15, 2018
Albany, NY – State Senator Tony Avella had funding for a number of priorities to help communities within his district and throughout the state included in the New York State Senate’s one-house budget resolution which passed yesterday.
Among Senator Avella’s priorities included were five pieces of legislation that the Senator has been advocating for over the course of his tenure as Senator of the 11th District. Those pieces of legislation include, S1361 which provides for a discount on driver’s license renewal fees for seniors and S1566 which authorizes a feasibility study for a potential expansion of the Long Island Motor Parkway.
Also included in the one-house budget resolution were S1271 which establishes a uniform distance measurement for sex offenders near schools, S1195 which provides for the payment of death benefits for volunteer fire and ambulance workers within 90 days, and S7423 which provides assistance for dry cleaners and nail salons to make necessary capital improvements.
While there is no guarantee that all of these allocations will be included in the final budget when the Governor, Assembly, and Senate agree on one, having priorities included in the one-house resolution is a positive sign.
Although Senator Avella had many of his priorities included in the resolution, he still voted “no” on the resolution due to significant omissions. Not included in the one-house resolution that Senator Avella felt were necessary for the state were comprehensive climate reform through the Climate and Community Protection Act (CCPA), the DREAM Act, election reform, and Governor Cuomo’s “Women’s Agenda.”
“I was pleased to see these priorities included in the one-house resolution and know that these items will greatly improve the lives of many across the state. It was a shame that other priorities of immense importance to this state were left out and I had no choice to vote against this budget but I look forward to significant climate and election reforms, the passage of the DREAM Act, and the inclusion of the women’s agenda in the final budget. As always, I will continue to fight to make my district, my city, and my state a fairer place for everyone,” said Senator Avella.