Senator Avella Continues to Urge Q. Library Exec to Resign

Tony Avella

April 1, 2014

(Bayside, Queens) Senator Avella continues to strongly urge the Queens Library President and CEO Tom Galante to resign or be let go from his position following the controversy surrounding his excessive yearly salary, questionable outside employment and outrageous office renovations which has prompted a City Council hearing, a city audit, and press reports of investigations by the FBI, US Attorney and City Department of Investigations.

Queens Borough President Melinda Katz recently sent two letters to Mr. Galante and the Queens Public Library Board of Trustees urging Mr. Galante to take a leave of absence until the investigations are completed.

“Borough President Katz’ statements do not go far enough in addressing this outrageous situation, which continues to unravel,” stated Senator Avella. “I continue to strongly urge Mr. Galante to either immediately resign or be let go from his position.  His ability to raise funds for the Queens Library is significantly, if not completely, diminished. How can I, or any other elected official for that matter, sit across the table from Tom Galante and discuss funding allocations given his outrageous yearly salary and such serious allegations?  The credibility of the entire Queens Public Library is at stake here.”