Senator Avella Hosts Awards Ceremony for Local School Essay Contest

Tony Avella

March 21, 2014

(Bayside, Queens) Senator Tony Avella hosted an awards ceremony today for six students chosen as winners for this year’s School Essay Contest.  The contest, initiated by the Senator and titled “What are your suggestions for the new Mayor,” was open to students of all grades in order to create more student involvement and awareness in the governmental process as well as their community.

1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners were picked by the Senator earlier last month from two categories: elementary and middle school. 

Elementary School Winners:

1st Place: Shuba Rajagopal – P.S. 188, Class 3-118

2nd Place: Karan Ajmera – P.S. 191, Class 4-203

3rd Place: Irene Kuang – P.S. 188, Class 5-304

Middle School Winners:

1st Place: Ryla Pasaoa – Immaculate Conception School, Class 6-1

2nd Place: Sukveer Kaur – I.S. 172, Class 721

3rd Place: Carl Smith – Immaculate Conception School, Class 6-1

All of the winner received a donation from Alma Bank in addition to a State Senate Proclamation.  Prior to the ceremony, all participants received a merit certificate for entering the contest and a special certificate was awarded to one winner in each school.

“I have so many bright students in my District and it is a true pleasure to honor some of them with a Senate Proclamation,” said Senator  Avella. “I commend all of this year’s participants in entering the school essay contest and providing thoughtful and creative ideas as suggestions for the new Mayor.  This is a great way to promote social awareness in local government and I was pleased to see the amount of great ideas submitted for the contest.  Our children are the leaders of tomorrow and I am proud to commend this year’s winners in addition to all of the participating students in my District.”

Some of the recurring themes in the essays included the need for Universal Pre-Kindergarten, healthier meal choices in school cafeterias, smaller classrooms and an increase in after school activities.

Senator Avella will be sending the winning essays directly to Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Photo, from left to right: Sukveer Kaur, Ryla Pasaoa, Carl Smith, Senator Tony Avella, Karan Ajmera, Irene Kuang.

Not pictured: Shuba Rajagopal