Senator Avella Renews Call For Common Core Moratorium Amid New Siena Poll Showing Public Support For The Freeze

Tony Avella

February 25, 2014

(Bayside, NY) Senator Tony Avella continues to advocate for the passage of his legislation in the State Senate which would impose a crucial three year moratorium on the highly controversial implementation of Common Core standards in New York State.


According to the latest Siena Poll, only 23 percent of New York voters consider the Common Core leaning standards to have a sufficient amount of demand on students while an overwhelming 50 percent of voters support a complete halt on the Common Core implementation.  The Poll also indicates that 47 percent of voters feel that Common Core standards fail to better prepare students for college or a career upon graduation.


“This poll further demonstrates how important this issue has become for voters in the State of New York.  As I said time and time again, our children’s education is far too important to impose half measures and force an untested curriculum inside their classrooms.” Senator Avella stated.  “We must give the State Legislature time to address the alarming concerns raised by the public and fix the system’s obvious flaws.”


Senator Avella has introduced Senate Bill S.6472A that will establish a three year moratorium for the Common Core state standards initiative and the Race to the Top program.


The Siena poll can be found in its entirety at the link below: