Streamlining State Grant Processes - Information for Current and Potential Grantees
Velmanette Montgomery
January 6, 2014
Grants Gateway: Beginning January 1, 2014, State agency funding opportunities will be posted on the Grants Gateway for online application. In the time leading up to this exciting transition, it is essential that you register with the Grants Gateway and create an account that will provide you full access to the system. For guidance on Registration and Online Application processes visit the Videos tab and the Grantee User Guide in Quick Links. In the future, as you browse or search for opportunities on the Gateway, pay special attention to the funding announcement. Opportunities specifying “Download” will be applied for using familiar existing processes. Any opportunity bearing the “Apply for Grant Opportunity” button will be processed online via the Grants Gateway. If you have not yet registered (or, as a not-for-profit, pre-qualified), please do so immediately.
New York State is committed to making the grant contracting process easier for grantees. As a result, we are pleased to announce that the Grants Gateway is live. This system will improve the way New York State administers grants by simplifying and streamlining the grants management process.
The Grant Opportunity Portal provides a one-stop shop for anyone interested in locating funding opportunities. State agencies have already posted nearly 100 upcoming and available procurements and are adding to the list on a daily basis. You can search for and download solicitations with no login required. Check out the Grant Opportunity Portal today!
The Grantee Document Vault allows grantees to submit commonly requested documents, such as incorporation papers, one time. In order to utilize the Document Vault, you must register as a user on the system and provide information on a Delegated Administrator who will manage your user account(s). Use the Registration Form provided in Quick Links to gain access to the Gateway. Please include an Organizational Chart for your organization along with your submission. Sample Charts are provided in Quick Links. Note that your Registration form must be signed, notarized and mailed to Gateway Administrators. Plan accordingly to avoid potential delays in applying for upcoming grant opportunities. Request access to start building your document vault now! Over 4,000 not-for-profit and other organizations already have.
Prequalification: Effective August 1, 2013, not-for-profit organizations must be prequalified in order to do business with New York State. In order to prequalify, not-for-profit organizations must submit an online Prequalification Application through the Grants Gateway. The Prequalification Application is comprised of five components to gauge your organizational structure and the types of services you provide. The required forms and document uploads are all part of the Document Vault. Resources to complete the application and associated document vault can be found in the Quick Links Section.