Lanza & Malliotakis Introduce Resolution Calling For SSG Michael H. Ollis Ferry

Andrew J Lanza

June 10, 2015

State Senator Andrew Lanza (R,C,I- Staten Island) and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R,C,I-Brooklyn, Staten Island) have authored and introduced a resolution calling on the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) to name their next vessel built for the Staten Island Ferry fleet to be named in honor of Staff Sergeant Michael H. Ollis.

At only 24 years old, Staff Sgt. Michael H. Ollis, a member of the 10th Mountain Division, showed an unwavering sense of duty and selflessness in the face of certain death during an insurgent attack on August 28, 2013 in eastern Afghanistan.  During an assault on his base, Ollis stepped in front of a Polish soldier, 2nd Lt. Karol Cierpica, shielding him from a suicide bomber who would have cost him his life.  For his actions, Staff Sgt. Ollis was posthumously awarded the Silver Star, the military’s third-highest decoration for valor, along with the Gold Medal of the Polish Armed Forces issued Polish government.  The Oakwood Heights VFW Post was also recently renamed in his honor. 

“I can think of no better person to memorialize than Staten Island hero Sgt. Michael Ollis who valiantly served our nation and gave his live in defense of freedom and the American way.   Immortalizing Sgt. Ollis by giving his name to a ferry will forever etch his sacrifice and shining example into the hearts and minds of the millions of people who fittingly ride past the Statute of Liberty every year,” said State Senator Lanza. 

“We are among the growing number of New Yorkers who would like to see a Staten Island Ferry boat named after of our hometown hero Staff Sgt. Michael Ollis.  He is a role model for all Americans and gave his life to protect our freedoms and liberties. The Ollis name is one that the 22 million passengers that use the Ferry every year should know, and one that all Staten Islanders can be proud of,” said Assemblywoman Malliotakis.

The resolution has been introduced in both the Assembly and Senate, and the lawmakers anticipate its passage by the conclusion of the legislative session next week. The other four members of the Staten Island delegation have signed on as co-sponsors.