In the 2015 legislative session alone, the Senate passed 1,637 pieces of legislation – none of which addressed the unique needs of the LGBT community."

However, the Senate found time to pass over 100 bills renaming highways, creating distinctive license plates, helping specific individuals get pension sweeteners, and even naming the official amphibian of New York State."

NEW YORK – Today, State Senator Brad Hoylman (D-Manhattan) released a report highlighting the NYS Senate’s failure since 2011 to act on a single piece of legislation outside the State budget that advances the civil rights of LGBT New Yorkers.

The report, entitled Stranded at the Altar: The New York State Senate’s Willful Inaction on Post-Marriage Equality LGBT Legislation, notes that in four consecutive legislative sessions since passage of the Marriage Equality Act, the Senate has neither considered nor passed LGBT-related legislation. At the same time, the report found that the Senate passed dozens of bills renaming highways, creating distinctive license plates, and even naming the official amphibian of New York State.

“The past four legislative sessions have revealed nothing short of a blacklist of the LGBT community in the New York State Senate,” said State Senator Brad Hoylman. “Since marriage equality passed in 2011, the Senate has chosen to ignore the needs of LGBT New Yorkers -- even as they continue to suffer disproportionately from discrimination, poverty, violence and lack of access to health care.”

Hoylman continued: “This report underscores the importance of a statewide organization that advocates for the numerous and unfulfilled needs of LGBT New Yorkers.  The legislative priorities of the LGBT community will remain unheeded unless a targeted effort is organized to hold senators accountable for their inaction.” 

Hoylman’s report found:

  • In the 2015 legislative session alone, the Senate passed 1,637 pieces of legislation – none of which addressed the unique needs of the LGBT community.
  • However, the Senate found time to pass over 100 bills renaming highways, creating distinctive license plates, helping specific individuals get pension sweeteners, and even naming the official amphibian of New York State.
  • Over the last four years the Republican majority in the Senate has killed every piece of legislation making reference to sexual orientation or gender identity – even when such legislation has bipartisan support.
  • The federal government and other states are racing ahead of New York State to pass comprehensive anti-discrimination protections, ban harmful conversion therapy for LGBT minors, and ensuring legal protections for LGBT parents and their children.


A copy of Senator Hoylman’s full report is attached and here.