Senator Young Calls on President Obama and Governor Cuomo to Halt the Influx of Syrian Refugees into New York
November 17, 2015
- Homeland Security
ALBANY - Calling it a dire national security and public safety concern, Senator Catharine Young (R,C,I-57th District) called on President Obama and Governor Cuomo to halt the influx of Syrian refugees into the state.
“The horrible attacks on Paris are a sobering wake up call. New York continues to be the top target of terrorists, as recently outlined by NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton. There is virtually no way to discern an ISIS terrorist from refugees because Syria does not have a computerized method to check people's backgrounds. At least one of the terrorists in Paris gained entry into France via a fake passport and by posing as a refugee. Common sense tells us that we should not place our American citizens at risk by settling unvetted people with possible terrorism ties in our communities,” said Senator Young.
“At least 27 other governors have taken a stand by refusing to allow Syrian refugees into their states. As the victim of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, New York should protect our people first and foremost from more death and destruction by following suit,” Senator Young said.
“We should provide humanitarian aid to refugees in the Middle East, but we should not bring them here. ISIS and other extremists want to inflict brutal violence on America. Rolling out the red carpet to people without knowing who they actually are and what intentions they have is irresponsible and could have devastating consequences. This relocation effort to our soils needs to end immediately,” Senator Young said.