Senator Squadron Statement on Senate Codes Cmte Vote on .50-Caliber Rifle Bill
Daniel L. Squadron
April 28, 2015
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ALBANY – Today, State Senator Daniel Squadron released the following statement regarding the vote on his bill, the “.50 Caliber Threat Reduction Act” (S.2050), at today's Senate Codes Committee meeting:
"Today the Republican majority killed a public safety measure to protect communities and law enforcement, and fight terrorism. Committee members today should have voted ‘Aye’ and the bill should have passed.
My bill would protect New Yorkers against certain high-powered .50-caliber rifles that have the capacity to kill a human from over a mile away, pierce body and vehicle armor, and destroy military and civilian infrastructure. Today these weapons are available in New York State without registration or a permit. Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly has said that .50-caliber rifles are 'clearly a weapon of war.'
This bill has no impact on the vast majority of gun-owners, or on any weapon appropriate for hunting. It simply bans a certain kind of high-powered .50-caliber rifle with reasonable exemptions, including for older weapons.
I will continue to push this legislation with Assemblymember Kavanagh, and with the support of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence."
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