Senator David Carlucci Announces "Valentine's for Veterans"

David Carlucci

January 14, 2015

As Valentine’s Day approaches, Senator David Carlucci, in collaboration with the Rockland County Veterans Service Agency, will be organizing a “Valentine’s for Veterans” Program.

“During any holiday, it’s important that we remember our veterans, and work together to ensure  our heroes are thanked for their service,” said Senator Carlucci. “The ‘Valentine’s for Veterans’ program is a great way to bring our community together, while making a difference in the lives of veterans. I’m looking forward to working with our students, volunteers and seniors to make this a successful and special event.”

Senator Carlucci will be collecting handmade Valentine’s Day cards and toiletries for  the residents of the Montrose Veterans Association Hospital Nursing Home. The cards and gift bags will be delivered to the veterans on February 13, 2015.

SUGGESTED ITEMS FOR GIFT BAGS: socks, stationery, pens, pencils, playing cards, stamps, plastic picture frames, liquid soap (not bar), toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, deodorant, tissues, handkerchiefs, combs, brush, talcum powder, all-occasion cards.

Anyone interested in making cards, or donating items can call Senator Carlucci’s office, at 845-623-3627.