Senator George Amedore Announces Passage of Comprehensive Women’s Equality Agenda

George A. Amedore, Jr.

January 12, 2015

Senator George Amedore today voted to approve a comprehensive women’s equality agenda that would ensure equal pay for equal work, and provide women much-needed protections against discrimination, sexual harassment, domestic violence, and human trafficking.

“I’m happy that these important pieces of legislation were the Senate’s first order of business; I’ve said all along they need to be a priority,” said Senator Amedore. “These bills have bipartisan support, and women in New York have waited long enough – they deserve these protections. It’s time for our colleagues in the Assembly to put women’s health and safety above politics and pass this package of bills.”

The bills passed by the Senate today would:

  • Ensure equal pay for equal work,
  • Strengthen protections against human trafficking,
  • Prohibit discrimination based on familial status,
  • End pregnancy discrimination in the workplace,
  • Prevent housing discrimination against domestic violence victims,
  • Protect women against sexual harassment,
  • Allow for reasonable recovery of attorney’s fees in discrimination cases, and
  • Allow for electronic filing for orders of protection.


The bills will be sent to the Assembly for action.

