Senator Farley Salutes Northville Student for Work with Domestic Violence Shelters

Senator Hugh T. Farley

October 23, 2015

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I – Schenectady) was pleased to issue a NYS Senate Certificate of Recognition to Angel Warner, a senior at Northville Central School, on Oct. 22nd as part of the Fulton County Domestic Violence Task Force’s National Wear Purple Day and Domestic Violence Walk events. Angel was honored at the event with the Vision of Hope Award from the task force and the certificate from Senator Farley for her volunteer work with domestic violence and homeless shelters.

Senator Farley said in regard to Angel, “You are a role model for not only your peers, but also for adults in your community. Your passion and commitment to helping others shined through in your project of collecting and distributing donations to domestic abuse and homeless shelters. Known as Shelter’s Wings, this is certainly a worthy cause and you have helped so many people. I am very pleased to see you receive this well deserved honor.”

Senator Farley said in regard to the event, “This is a time to reflect on the people who are injured or killed as a result of domestic violence incidences. Today’s occasion also provides an opportunity to call attention the programs and services which are available to help victims. Legislators, law enforcement and citizens must all work together to send a clear message that violence will simply not be tolerated. I applaud the Fulton County Domestic Violence Task Force’s remarkable dedication and extraordinary efforts in raising awareness of this horrific crime and wish you much success in today’s ceremony.”