Senator Martins Congratulates Manhasset High School Girls Soccer Team on Championship Season
Jack M. Martins
June 11, 2015
- Education

Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) recently congratulated the Manhasset High School Girls Varsity Soccer Team on winning the 2014 Nassau County Conference Class AB-2 Championship.
Senator Martins presented the team with copies of a legislative resolution he sponsored, which was passed by the Senate, honoring their accomplishment. With passage of the resolution, the team’s achievement will forever be part of the New York State Senate’s official record.
“The Manhasset Girls Soccer Team completed one of their best seasons ever, culminating with this championship. The players and coaches have every reason to be proud of their efforts. Congratulations to them on a great season,” said Senator Martins.
Senator Martins (second right) is pictured with Manhasset School District Superintendent Charles Cardillo, Manhasset High School Principal Dr. Dean Schlanger, Athletic Director James Amen, Head Coach Chris Keen, and members of the Manhasset High School Girls Varsity Soccer Team.