Senator Martins Congratulates Manhasset Student on Being Recognized for Athletic & Academic Excellence
Jack M. Martins
July 13, 2015
- Education

Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) recently visited Manhasset High School to congratulate Danielle Nicosia for being chosen as the Sue Link Memorial Award recipient. Danielle was a co-captain on Manhasset’s Championship Girls Soccer Team.
The Sue Link Memorial Award is given annually by the Nassau County Girls Soccer Coaches Association to the player who best embodies the behavior expected of student athletes both on the field and in the classroom.
Senator Martins (right) is pictured congratulating Danielle Nicosia on winning the Sue Link Memorial Award. They are joined by (l-r) Manhasset School District Superintendent Charles Cardillo, Athletic Director James Amen, Girls Soccer Team Head Coach Chris Keen, and Manhasset High School Principal Dr. Dean Schlanger.