Senator Martins Honors Floral Park Fire Department Chief for His Service to the Community

Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) recently attended the Floral Park Fire Department’s annual installation ceremony, where he honored Daniel Bennett upon completing his tenure as Chief of the Department.
Senator Martins presented Chief Bennett with a legislative resolution passed by the New York State Senate honoring his service to the Floral Park Fire Department and the Floral Park community. With passage of the legislative resolution, which was sponsored by Senator Martins, Chief Bennett’s name and record of community service will forever be part of the New York State Senate’s official record.
“Chief Bennett has devoted many years and countless hours to protecting the residents of Floral Park. He is a leader in the department and the community, and I am pleased that his distinguished service was recognized by the New York State Senate,” said Senator Martins.
Senator Martins (left) is pictured presenting Chief Daniel Bennett (right) with a copy of the legislative resolution.