Senator Martins Honors Franklin Square’s Newest Eagle Scout

Jack M. Martins

January 7, 2015

     Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) recently honored Ryan Goldberg of Franklin Square for attaining the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout. Senator Martins, along with Assemblyman Ed Ra, attended the Court of Honor to personally congratulate Ryan, a member of Boy Scout Troop 93, on earning scouting’s highest honor.

     Ryan became an Eagle Scout after years of rising through scouting’s ranks and organizing and completing a community service project. For his project, Ryan supervised the cleaning of a stream bed at Tanglewood Preserve in Rockville Centre that had been filled during Superstorm Sandy. Ryan had previously worked as a volunteer at the Preserve during the summers of 2010 through 2013, taking care of the animals and maintaining their living environment. Ryan is a 2014 graduate of Carey High School and is currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering at Manhattan College.

     “It takes years of dedication, commitment, and service to achieve scouting’s highest honor, which is why only a select few ever attain it. After countless hours of serving the community, working hard, and developing his skills, Ryan has earned a place among the truly elite; the Eagle Scouts. The entire community is very proud of Ryan and we congratulate him on earning this prestigious honor,” said Senator Martins.