Senator Martins Joins Caps in Honoring Roslyn High School Students for Bullying Prevention Efforts

Jack M. Martins

April 24, 2015

     Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) recently joined with Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS) in honoring Roslyn High School’s Students United for Safer Schools (SUSS) team. The students were honored for their efforts to prevent bullying and cyberbullying. 

     The SUSS team has worked hard towards creating a safe school climate where students feel valued and accepted. As part of their efforts, the students visited the district’s elementary schools and facilitated classroom lessons on prevention and response to bullying, respecting difference, and encouraging upstander behavior.

     The program also featured Allyson Pereira, a national anti-bullying advocate, who gave a moving talk to the students about her personal story with sexting and how her life was forever changed by one wrong decision.

     Senator Martins (right), Kara Santucci of CAPS, team advisor Kinshasa Allen, and Allyson Pereira are pictured with members of Roslyn High School’s SUSS team.