Senator Martins & Legislator Nicolello Announce State & County Funding for Streetscape Project in Albertson
Jack M. Martins
February 26, 2015
Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) and Nassau County Legislator Richard Nicolello announced that they have obtained a total of $130,000 in state and county grant funding for Nassau County to undertake a streetscape improvement project in Albertson.
The community streetscape project includes a new Albertson Clock Tower, two “Welcome to Albertson” signs near the southern and northern entrances to the hamlet and a new community kiosk. New benches, decorative banners, and trash receptacles will also be installed along Willis Avenue from the Albertson town line to the Northern State Parkway.
“Making these improvements will help enhance the Albertson community and residents’ quality of life. Beautifying Willis Avenue and installing benches brings the added benefit of more foot traffic which will help local business owners. I am pleased that we were able to work together with the Albertson Square Civic Association and the community to deliver these improvements for Albertson,” said Senator Martins.
“I am grateful to work with Senator Martins and the Albertson Square Civic Association to develop this project for the community. These enhancements are designed to provide a hometown feel to this busy commercial corridor,” said Legislator Nicolello.
“In the 22 years that I’ve lived here, Senator Martins and Legislator Nicolello were the first elected officials to pay positive attention to Albertson. They came to ask us how they can help, listened to our input, and delivered a project which will greatly benefit our community and improve our quality of life. In a place where residents have long felt forgotten and neglected by our representatives, that is tremendous. I’m very excited about this project and thank Senator Martins and Legislator Nicolello for working with us to make life better in Albertson,” said Albertson Square Civic Association President Edward Scott.