Senator Martins Statement on Assembly Passage of Human Trafficking Legislation

Jack M. Martins

March 16, 2015

     “I am pleased that my colleagues in the Assembly have finally joined the Senate in acting on legislation to protect people from human trafficking. 

     As I have long said, reforms like tougher penalties for human trafficking, measures to ensure pay equity for women, and stronger protections for victims of domestic violence and discrimination should not be tied together. Each of the measures should be considered individually, on their own merits, not held hostage for political purposes. I am hopeful that the Assembly’s action today means that they are joining us in finally putting women first.

    As a husband and father of four daughters, and a cosponsor of this legislation, I’m happy that we are moving past partisan politics to deliver a result that women expect and deserve. Now we must build on this by passing the other important protections on which we all agree. The women of New York deserve nothing less.”