Senator Sanders Urges Governor Cuomo to Sign Missing Persons Bill Into Law

James Sanders Jr.

August 31, 2015

State Senator James Sanders Jr. (D-Rochdale Village) today called upon Governor Cuomo to sign LaMont Dottin's Law, legislation which mandates that police agencies file a report when an adult is reported missing. 

Senator Sanders, who introduced bill S.3970, was joined by Dr. Arnita Fowler, after whose son the bill is named, and Assembly Member Charles Barron (D-Brooklyn) who co-sponsored the bill (A.7468) in the Assembly. It passed the legislature unanimously in June.

LaMont Dottin's Law would require police agencies to file an electronic report with the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) within 24 hours of being notified that a person between the ages of 21 and 64 has disappeared. Previously, the law stated that the individual had to be classified as a child or vulnerable senior for such action to be taken.

"I am a Marine Corps. veteran, and we have a saying that we leave nobody behind on the battlefield," Senator Sanders said. "I think it's time for our Governor to be a good Marine. I think it's time that he understands that we will leave nobody behind. We need to let everybody know that New York State will utilize every agency and turn over every stone to find the missing."
LaMont Dottin was 19 years old when he disappeared from St. Albans on October 16, 1995. Six days later his body was found floating in the East Hudson River, and was subsequently buried in a potter's field while his mother continued to search for him for several years.

 “I am proud to have introduced this legislation which could potentially save lives and prevent future heartache for the families of loved ones who go missing," Senator Sanders said. "No one should have to experience the pain that LaMont Dottin’s family experienced. Having police agencies file an electronic report within 24 hours of a person’s disappearance, not only for children and the elderly, but all people, is a common sense safety measure that would positively impact residents across New York State.”