Bonacic to Orange and Rockland: Don’t Raise Utility Rates

(Middletown, NY)-Senator Bonacic announced today his opposition to proposed utility rate increases by Orange and Rockland Utilities. In a letter sent to the Public Service Commission, Bonacic denounced the proposed increases, which would have a negative impact on local residents. As proposed, typical residential electric customers would see an increase of 23.3 percent in their electric bills over the next 3 years.

 “While I understand the need to maintain and upgrade infrastructure,  I am opposed to increasing costs in order to do so,” said Bonacic “With tax payers struggling to make ends meet, and municipalities and school abiding by the state tax cap, a utility rate hike is an unnecessary burden on our communities.”

 In his letter, Bonacic urged Orange and Rockland to meet their infrastructure improvements through cost-cutting measures, not by raising the rates of hardworking middle-class families.

 A copy of Senator Bonacic’s letter is attached


