Statement from Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan

John J. Flanagan

June 28, 2015

The 23 days since two prisoners escaped from a Dannemora prison have been a tense and difficult period for all New Yorkers, especially those residents of the North Country where the escape took place.

During that time, hundreds of state and local law enforcement officials have scoured local communities, tirelessly following every lead and putting their own lives and safety on the line to bring these two brutal convicts to justice.

Now that this grueling manhunt is over and both individuals have either been captured or killed, it's appropriate today to extend a very heartfelt thanks to the men and women of law enforcement who are responsible for bringing this to a safe conclusion.

There's no doubt that this episode could have had a far different ending if not for the courage and bravery of these fine public servants. We owe each of them a debt of gratitude for protecting us all from harm. They are a true asset to New York.