Senator Serrano Applauds Mayor de Blasio's Affordable Housing Expansion

José M. Serrano

July 12, 2015

(Bronx, NY)- Senator Serrano participated in Mayor Bill de Blasio's press conference announcing that New York City is on track to complete 20,325 units of affordable housing by the end of 2015. The City broke an all-time record for the most new affordable apartments underway. 

"I applaud Mayor de Blasio on this significant affordable housing victory. Fifty-thousand New Yorkers will now be able to afford to live in the city they call home. This is a monumental announcement and it shows the Mayor's strong commitment to the residents of New York City with the most affordable units underway since NYCHA's inception in 1978. Thank you for your commitment to sustainability and continuity for hard working New Yorkers!"